My aim is to provide all the children in my care with a safe and caring environment. I want all the children to feel comfortable, so that they can play and learn at their own pace.
My aim is to provide all the children in my care with a safe and caring environment. I want all the children to feel comfortable, so that they can play and learn at their own pace. They will be encouraged to let their independence grow, but at the same time they will become an important member of a group. They will be meeting new friends. All children will be treated as individuals and with equal concern, respect for self, others and the environment will be emphasised, I will help them learn about their own cultures as well as developing positive attitude towards people who are different from themselves. At all times, the welfare and protection of the children is my priority, but my main priority is to have FUN!
Member of Accredited Childminder network and able to provide qualifying children with their free Early years entitlement (E.Y.E) - 15 hours per week Government funded for 2 & 3/4 year olds.
Able to provide qualifying 9 month olds, 2 year olds and 3 & 4 year olds with their free Early years entitlement (E.Y.E).
OFSTED Registered
Member of Grantham Childminding Group
Member of the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY)
Checked by the criminal records bureau (crb) enhanced disclosure
NVQ3 Children's Care Learning and Development
First aid course
CACHE Introducing Childminding Practice (ICP)
Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering
Full Clean Driving Licence
Attended information sessions on oral health
Safeguarding Children in Lincolnshire. Stage 1 & 2
Safeguarding children refresher training V3
Common assessment framework (CAF)
Implementing the early years foundation stage (EYFS)
Assessment and record keeping (ARK) for registered childminders
Allergy and Anaphylaxis awareness course
Inclusive childminding
Safety in the home
Info session on the disability discrimination act 1995
Introduction to the reformed EYFS 2012
Info session on documentation and record keeping
Music sounds workshop
Music sounds inclusive workshop
Cooking up a cultural feast
Safe transportation of children course
Childhood illness course
Working in partnership with parents
EYFS surgery
Developing good practice in a home-based setting
Fun on the floor
Level 3 in Speech and Language Support for under 5`s
Information Sharing
Pacey Facilitator for Lincolnshire
Accredited Childminding Network Conference
HENRY Workshop
Equality and Diversity
workshop on completing your Early Years Register Self-Evaluation Form (SEF)
Inclusion Development Programme (IDP) Information Session
Lincolnshire Chaperone Training
Child Nutrition- The Early Years
Learning to talk, Talking to learn
Developing Good Practice to meet EYFS & Childcare Register Requirements
Professional Standards
workshop on The 2 year children`s progress check
Attended workshop on outdoors play
Observation, Assessment & Planning
EYFS 2 yr progress check and the characteristics of effective learning workshop
HABC Fire Safety Level 2 (QCF)
Celebrating 2`s and 3`s
An Introduction to Data Protection
Story telling workshop
Maths workshop `More than just counting`
SENCO Awareness Training for Registered Childminders
Changes to the EYFS 2014
SKDC Allergy Awareness Seminar
Prevent Duty Training (Channel General Awareness Module)
And lots more!
I work with my husband, who is also an OFSTED Registered Childminder. All the children will be welcomed into my family as one of my own, and will be treated as such, but, I will never attempt to take your role.
The premises in which your child will be cared for in is a semi-detached house, close to the town centre and amenities, the interior of my home, provides a playroom with a large variety of toys, games, books etc, a television and computer. There is a large kitchen and dinning room for meals to be eaten in, crafts and messy play. A toilet downstairs.
Access is kept to the downstairs whilst childminding, unless children require a sleep, then there is a bedroom upstairs for them. All the windows are securely locked and safe. There is a large, fully enclosed garden with a locked gate. There are lots of toys outside for the children to play with and for various ages and development. The environment is homely, and I provide your child with the same care and attention that you would provide yourself.
£5.50 per hour.
Manthorpe Nursery, Cliffedale primary school, others may be possible please phone for details.